
Town of Cornwall News

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Munger Cottage: Air Conditioning & Programming Notice


As you may be aware, the HVAC system at Munger Cottage is no longer working and is beyond repair. Our Building Department has been keeping the current system running, making repairs and adding refrigerant as needed over the years, but it has now reached the end of its useful life. The Town Board authorized the complete replacement of the HVAC system at Munger Cottage last Tuesday, July 9th and hired a local company to handle the work. The parts for the new system have been ordered and will be installed as soon as they arrive.

As a precautionary measure, the Town’s Recreation Department will be cancelling daytime classes and programming at Munger Cottage on days when there is a heat advisory in effect.

The Senior Dining Program will be still be continuing and will take place in the small room at Munger Cottage which still has functioning AC.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Supervisor Josh Wojehowski

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